#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative 'lib/teeworlds-client' args = {verbose: false, ip: nil, port: nil} ARGV.each do |arg| if arg == '--help' || arg == '-h' puts "usage: teeworlds.rb [OPTIONS..] [host] [port]" echo "options:" echo " --help|-h show this help" echo " --verbose|-v verbose output" echo "example:" echo " teeworlds.rb --verbose localhost 8303" exit(0) elsif arg == '--verbose' || arg == '-v' args[:verbose] = true elsif args[:ip].nil? args[:ip] = arg elsif args[:port].nil? args[:port] = arg.to_i end end args[:ip] = args[:ip] || '' args[:port] = args[:port] || 8303 client = TeeworldsClient.new(verbose: args[:verbose]) client.on_chat do |msg| puts "[chat] #{msg}" end client.on_client_info do |ctx| puts "'#{ctx.data[:player].name}' joined the game#{reason}" end client.on_client_drop do |ctx| unless ctx.data[:silent] reason = ctx.data[:reason] ? " (#{ctx.data[:reason]})" : '' puts "'#{ctx.data[:player].name}' left the game#{reason}" end end Signal.trap('INT') do client.disconnect end # connect and detach thread client.connect(args[:ip], args[:port], detach: false)