#!/bin/bash if [ ! -d spec ] then echo "Error: spec folder not found" echo " run this script from the root of repo" exit 1 fi tmpdir=scripts/tmp mkdir -p scripts/tmp tmpfile="$tmpdir/README.md" arg_generate_docs=0 for arg in "$@" do if [ "$arg" == "--fix" ] || [ "$arg" == "--generate-docs" ] then arg_generate_docs=1 else echo "usage: ./scripts/update_docs_methods.sh [--fix]" exit 1 fi done function list_pub_methods() { local rbfile="$1" local line local is_private=0 while read -r line do if [ "$line" == private ] then is_private=1 elif [ "$line" == public ] then is_private=0 fi [[ "$is_private" == "1" ]] && continue [[ "$line" =~ def\ ]] && echo "${line#* }" done < "$rbfile" } function print_method_doc() { local ruby_class="$1" local method="$2" local method_slug method_slug="${method%%(*}" method_slug="${method_slug%%\?*}" local obj_var=client local run="client.connect('localhost', 8303, detach: false)" if [[ "$ruby_class" =~ Server ]] then obj_var=server run="server.run('', 8377)" fi cat <<- EOF ### #$method **Parameter: TODO** **Example:** EOF echo '```ruby' cat <<- EOF $obj_var = $ruby_class.new # TODO: generated documentation $obj_var.$method $run EOF echo '```' } function gen_class_methods() { local class_name="$1" local rbfile="$2" local mdfile="$3" if [ ! -f "$mdfile" ] then echo "Error: file not found $mdfile" exit 1 fi cat "$mdfile" > "$tmpfile" local method while read -r method do echo -n "[*] $method .. " if grep -q "#$method" "$mdfile" then echo "OK" continue fi if [ "$arg_generate_docs" == "1" ] then echo "GENERATING" print_method_doc "$class_name" "$method" >> "$tmpfile" else echo "ERROR (run with --fix to fix)" exit 1 fi done < <(list_pub_methods "$rbfile") check_diff_or_fix "$mdfile" } function check_diff_or_fix() { local mdfile="$1" if [ ! -f "$mdfile" ] then echo "Error: missing markdown file $mdfile" exit 1 fi if [ "$arg_generate_docs" == "1" ] then mv "$tmpfile" "$mdfile" return fi local diff echo "$tmpfile" "$mdfile" diff="$(diff "$tmpfile" "$mdfile")" if [ "$diff" != "" ] then echo "Error: documentation index is not up to date" echo " to fix this run ./scripts/update_docs_index.sh --fix" echo "" echo "$diff" exit 1 fi } function main() { gen_class_methods TeeworldsClient ./lib/teeworlds_client.rb ./docs/classes/TeeworldsClient.md } main