#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 tw_srv_bin=teeworlds_srv logdir=logs tmpdir=tmp kill_marker=kill_me_d5af0410 server_port=8377 srvcfg="sv_rcon_password rcon;sv_port $server_port;$kill_marker" cl_fifo="$PWD/$tmpdir/client.fifo" clcfg="cl_input_fifo $cl_fifo;connect$server_port;player_name test_client;$kill_marker" tw_srv_running=0 ruby_logfile=ruby_client.txt ruby_logfile_err=ruby_client_stderr.txt _client_pid='' _kill_pids=() [[ -d tmp ]] && rm -rf tmp mkdir -p logs mkdir -p tmp start_tw_server() { if [[ -x "$(command -v teeworlds_srv)" ]] then teeworlds_srv "$srvcfg" &> "$logdir/server.txt" elif [[ -x "$(command -v teeworlds-server)" ]] then teeworlds-server "$srvcfg" &> "$logdir/server.txt" tw_srv_bin='teeworlds-server' elif [[ -x "$(command -v teeworlds-srv)" ]] then teeworlds-srv "$srvcfg" &> "$logdir/server.txt" tw_srv_bin='teeworlds-srv' elif [ -f /usr/games/teeworlds-server ] # needed for docker ubuntu:24.04 then /usr/games/teeworlds-server "$srvcfg" &> "$logdir/server.txt" tw_srv_bin='/usr/games/teeworlds-server' else echo "Error: please install a teeworlds_srv" exit 1 fi tw_srv_running=1 } connect_tw_client() { if [[ -x "$(command -v teeworlds-headless)" ]] then teeworlds-headless "$clcfg" elif [[ -x "$(command -v /usr/local/bin/teeworlds-headless)" ]] then /usr/local/bin/teeworlds-headless "$clcfg" elif [[ -x "$(command -v teeworlds)" ]] then teeworlds "$clcfg" "$logdir/client.txt" else echo "Error: please install a teeworlds" exit 1 fi } connect_ddnet7_client() { local clcfg_dd7 clcfg_dd7="$(echo "$clcfg" | sed 's/\/\/')" if [[ -x "$(command -v DDNet7-headless)" ]] then DDNet7-headless "$clcfg_dd7" elif [[ -x "$(command -v /usr/local/bin/DDNet7-headless)" ]] then /usr/local/bin/DDNet7-headless "$clcfg_dd7" else echo "Error: please install a DDNet7-headless" exit 1 fi } get_test_names() { (find client -name "*.rb";find server -name "*.rb") | tr '\n' ' ' } invalid_test() { local name="$1" echo "Error: invalid test name '$name'" echo " valid tests: $(get_test_names)" exit 1 } testname="${1:-client/chat.rb}" if ! [[ "$testname" =~ (client|server)/.*\.rb$ ]] then invalid_test "$testname" fi if [ ! -f "$testname" ] then testname=${testname##*integration_test/} if [ ! -f "$testname" ] then invalid_test "$testname" fi fi if [[ "$testname" =~ ^client/ ]] then ruby_logfile="$logdir/ruby_client.txt" ruby_logfile_err="$logdir/ruby_client_stderr.txt" else ruby_logfile="$logdir/ruby_server.txt" ruby_logfile_err="$logdir/ruby_server_stderr.txt" fi kill_all_jobs() { local i local kill_pid for i in "${!_kill_pids[@]}" do kill_pid="${_kill_pids[i]}" [[ "$kill_pid" != "" ]] || continue ps -p "$kill_pid" > /dev/null || continue kill "$kill_pid" &> /dev/null _kill_pids[i]='' # does not work because different job done pkill -f "$kill_marker" } cleanup() { if [ "$tw_srv_running" == "1" ] then echo "[*] shutting down server ..." pkill -f "$tw_srv_bin $srvcfg" fi kill_all_jobs # timeout is extra otherwise it kills it self [[ "$_timeout_pid" != "" ]] && ps -p "$_timeout_pid" >/dev/null && kill "$_timeout_pid" } trap cleanup EXIT fail() { local msg="$1" if [ ! -f "$tmpdir/fail.txt" ] then touch "$tmpdir/fail.txt" # the first tail get swalloed # idk why so tail twice to ensure # getting output # this is a bit ugly but it works # maybe a sleep does as well # or I still did not get flushing tail "$ruby_logfile" &>/dev/null tail "$ruby_logfile_err" &>/dev/null if [[ "$testname" =~ ^client/ ]] then echo "[-] end of ruby client log:" tail -n 10 "$ruby_logfile" echo "[-] end of server log:" tail "$logdir/server.txt" else echo "[-] end of ruby server log:" cat "$ruby_logfile" echo "[-] end of client log:" cat "$logdir/client.txt" fi echo "CAT IF EMPTY OR NOT: $ruby_logfile_err" cat "$ruby_logfile_err" if grep -q '[^[:space:]]' "$ruby_logfile_err" then echo "[-] got ruby stderr $ruby_logfile_err" cat "$ruby_logfile_err" fi fi echo "[-][FATAL] $msg" exit 1 } timeout() { local seconds="$1" sleep "$seconds" echo "[-] Timeout -> killing: $testname" touch "$tmpdir/timeout.txt" kill_all_jobs fail "Timeout" } echo "[*] running test '$testname' ..." [[ -f "$tmpdir/timeout.txt" ]] && rm "$tmpdir"/timeout.txt [[ -f "$tmpdir/fail.txt" ]] && rm "$tmpdir"/fail.txt :>"$ruby_logfile_err" if [[ "$testname" =~ ^client/ ]] then echo "ruby client log $(date)" > "$ruby_logfile" echo "server log $(date)" > "$logdir/server.txt" start_tw_server & _kill_pids+=($!) else echo "ddnet7 client log $(date)" > "$logdir/client.txt" echo "ruby server log $(date)" > "$ruby_logfile" fi run_ruby_test() { if ! ruby "$testname" "$kill_marker" 2> "$ruby_logfile_err" 1> "$ruby_logfile" then fail "test $testname finished with non zero exit code" fi } if [[ "$testname" =~ ^server/ ]] then run_ruby_test & _kill_pids+=($!) else run_ruby_test kill_all_jobs fi if [[ "$testname" =~ ^server/ ]] then connect_ddnet7_client "$kill_marker" &>> "$logdir/client.txt" & _client_pid=$! _kill_pids+=("$_client_pid") sleep 1 fi timeout 20 "$kill_marker" & _timeout_pid=$! fifo() { local cmd="$1" local fifo_file="$2" echo "[*] $cmd >> $fifo_file" local cmd_slug cmd_slug="${cmd//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}" echo "echo \"FIFO: $cmd_slug\"" >> "$fifo_file" echo "$cmd" >> "$fifo_file" } assert_in_log() { # usage: assert_in_log string path [num_matches" # examples: # assert_in_log "string to find" "/path/to/log.txt" # assert_in_log "string to find" "/path/to/log.txt" 2 local needle="$1" local logfile_path="$2" local num_matches="$3" if ! grep -qF "$needle" "$logfile_path" then echo "[-] Error: did not find expected string in logs" echo "[-]" echo "[-] expected: $needle" echo "[-] in file: $ruby_logfile" echo "[-]" # fail "assert failed" fi if [ "$num_matches" != "" ] then local actual_matches actual_matches="$(grep -cF "$needle" "$logfile_path")" if [ "$actual_matches" != "$num_matches" ] then echo "[-] Error: found string unexpected amount of times in log file" echo "[-]" echo "[-] expected: $needle" echo "[-] in file: $ruby_logfile" echo "[-]" echo "[-] expected num hits: $num_matches" echo "[-] got num hits: $actual_matches" echo "[-]" # fail "assert failed" fi fi echo "[*] $needle .. OK" } if [ "$testname" == "client/chat.rb" ] then if ! grep -q 'hello world' "$logdir/server.txt" then fail "did not find chat message in server log" fi elif [ "$testname" == "client/reconnect.rb" ] then if ! grep -q 'bar' "$logdir/server.txt" then fail "did not find 2nd chat message in server log" fi elif [ "$testname" == "client/rcon.rb" ] then sleep 1 if pgrep -f "$tw_srv_bin $srvcfg" then fail "server still running rcon shutdown failed" fi elif [ "$testname" == "client/srv_say.rb" ] then if ! grep -q '^\[chat\].*hello' "$logdir/ruby_client.txt" then fail "missing 'hello' chat message in client log" fi elif [ "$testname" == "client/multiple_blocks.rb" ] then sleep 1 if pgrep -f "$tw_srv_bin $srvcfg" then fail "server still running rcon shutdown failed (2 blocks)" fi block1_ln="$(grep -n "block 1" "$ruby_logfile" | cut -d':' -f1)" block2_ln="$(grep -n "block 2" "$ruby_logfile" | cut -d':' -f1)" if [ "$block1_ln" == "" ] then fail "'block 1' not found in client log" fi if [ "$block2_ln" == "" ] then fail "'block 2' not found in client log" fi if [[ ! "$block1_ln" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] then fail "failed to parse line number of 'block 1' got='$block1_ln'" fi if [[ ! "$block2_ln" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] then fail "failed to parse line number of 'block 2' got='$block2_ln'" fi # ensure block call order matches definition order if [ "$block1_ln" -gt "$block2_ln" ] then fail "'block 1' found after 'block 2' in client log" fi elif [ "$testname" == "server/connect.rb" ] then fifo "rcon_auth test" "$cl_fifo" sleep 1 fifo "rcon shutdown" "$cl_fifo" sleep 1 fifo "quit" "$cl_fifo" # ddnet quitting can get stuck so send a kill to ensure it dies kill "$_client_pid" assert_in_log "'test_client' joined the game" "$ruby_logfile" 1 assert_in_log "rcon='shutdown'" "$ruby_logfile" 1 elif [ "$testname" == "server/chat.rb" ] then fifo "say hello gamers" "$cl_fifo" sleep 1 fifo "say uwu" "$cl_fifo" sleep 1 fifo "rcon_auth test" "$cl_fifo" sleep 1 fifo "rcon shutdown" "$cl_fifo" sleep 1 fifo "quit" "$cl_fifo" # ddnet quitting can get stuck so send a kill to ensure it dies kill "$_client_pid" sleep 1 # wait for logfiles to be written assert_in_log "hello gamers" "$ruby_logfile" 1 assert_in_log "[testchat] test_client: uwu" "$ruby_logfile" 1 else echo "Error: unkown test '$testname'" exit 1 fi echo "[*] waiting for jobs to finish ..." while true do running_jobs="$(jobs | grep -v timeout)" if [ "$running_jobs" == "" ] then break fi echo "[*] waiting for:" echo "$running_jobs" sleep 1 done if [ -f "$tmpdir/timeout.txt" ] then echo "[-] Error timeouted" exit 1 fi echo "[+] Test passed"