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require_relative 'array'
class Packer
# Format: ESDDDDDD EDDDDDDD EDD... Extended, Data, Sign
def self.pack_int(num)
# the first byte can fit 6 bits
# because the first two bits are extended and sign
# so if you have a number bigger than 63
# it needs two bytes
# which are also least significant byte first etc
# so we do not support that YET
# the first too big number 64 is represented as those bits
# 10000000 00000001
# ^^^ ^ ^ ^
# ||\ / \ /
# || \ / \ /
# || \ \/
# || \ /
# || \ /
# || \ /
# || \/
# || /\
# || / \
# || / \
# || 00000001 000000
# || |
# || v
# || 64
# ||
# |positive
# extended
sign = '0'
if num.negative?
sign = '1'
num += 1
num = num.abs
if num > 63 || num < -63
return self.pack_big_int(sign, num)
ext = '0'
bits = ext + sign + num.to_s(2).rjust(6, '0')
def self.pack_big_int(sign, num)
num_bits = num.to_s(2)
first = '1' + sign + num_bits[-6..]
num_bits = num_bits[0..-7]
bytes = []
num_bits.chars.groups_of(7).each do |seven_bits|
# mark all as extended
bytes << '1' + seven_bits.join('').rjust(7, '0')
# least significant first
bytes = bytes.reverse
# mark last byte as unextended
bytes[-1][0] = '0'
([first] + bytes).map { |b| b.to_i(2) }
def self.pack_str(str)
str.chars.map(&:ord) + [0x00]
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2022-11-04 14:21:48 +00:00
class Unpacker
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def initialize(data)
@data = data
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if data.class == String
@data = data.unpack("C*")
elsif data.class == Array
@data = data
raise "Error: Unpacker expects array of integers or byte string"
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def get_string()
return nil if @data.nil?
str = ''
@data.each_with_index do |byte, index|
if byte == 0x00
if index == @data.length - 1
@data = nil
@data = @data[(index + 1)..]
return str
str += byte.chr
# raise "get_string() failed to find null terminator"
# return empty string in case of error
def get_int()
return nil if @data.nil?
# todo: make this more performant
# it should not read in ALL bytes
# of the WHOLE packed data
# it should be max 4 bytes
# because bigger ints are not sent anyways
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bytes = @data.map { |byte| byte.to_s(2).rjust(8, '0') }
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first = bytes[0]
other = bytes[1..]
sign = first[1] == '1' ? -1 : 1
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bits = []
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# extended
if first[0] == '1'
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bits << first[2..]
bytes = bytes[1..]
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consumed = 1
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bytes.each do |eigth_bits|
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bits << eigth_bits[1..]
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consumed += 1
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break if eigth_bits[0] == '0'
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2022-11-04 14:21:48 +00:00
bits = bits.reverse
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@data = @data[consumed..]
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else # single byte
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bits = [first[2..]]
@data = @data[1..]
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bits.join('').to_i(2) * sign
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def todo_make_this_rspec_test
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# # single byte int
# p Packer.pack_int(1) == [1]
# p Packer.pack_int(3) == [3]
# p Packer.pack_int(16) == [16]
# p Packer.pack_int(63) == [63]
# # negative single byte
# p Packer.pack_int(-1) == [64]
# p Packer.pack_int(-2) == [65]
# p Packer.pack_int(-1).first.to_s(2) == '1000000'
# p Packer.pack_int(-2).first.to_s(2) == '1000001'
# p Packer.pack_int(-3).first.to_s(2) == '1000010'
# p Packer.pack_int(-4).first.to_s(2) == '1000011'
p Packer.pack_int(64).map { |e| e.to_s(2).rjust(8, '0') } == ["10000000", "00000001"]
p Packer.pack_int(-64).map { |e| e.to_s(2).rjust(8, '0') } == ["11000000", "00000000"]
# # multi byte int
# p Packer.pack_int(64) == [128, 1]
# p Packer.pack_int(99999999999999999) == [191, 131, 255, 147, 246, 194, 215, 232, 88]
# # string
# p Packer.pack_str("A") == [65, 0]
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# todo_make_this_rspec_test
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def todo_also_rspec_unpacker
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# u = Unpacker.new([0x41, 0x41, 0x00, 0x42, 0x42, 0x00])
# p u.get_string() == "AA"
# p u.get_string() == "BB"
# p u.get_string() == nil
# u = Unpacker.new([0x01, 0x02, 0x41, 0x42])
# p u.get_int() == 1
# p u.get_int() == 2
# p u.get_int() == -1
# p u.get_int() == -2
# (-63..63).each do |i|
# u = Unpacker.new(Packer.pack_int(i))
# p u.get_int() == i
# end
# u = Unpacker.new([128, 1])
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# p u.get_int() == 64
u = Unpacker.new([128, 1, 128, 1])
p u.get_int() == 64
p u.get_int() == 64
# p u.get_int() == nil
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# (-128..128).each do |i|
# u = Unpacker.new(Packer.pack_int(i))
# p u.get_int() == i
# end
u = Unpacker.new(['00000001'.to_i(2)])
p u.get_int() == 1
u = Unpacker.new(['10000000'.to_i(2), '00000001'.to_i(2)])
p u.get_int() == 64
# todo should be -64
# u = Unpacker.new(['11000000'.to_i(2), '00000000'.to_i(2)])
# p u.get_int()
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# todo_also_rspec_unpacker
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